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Worms                                        Project

Background Research

There are three different type of worms: endogeic, epigeic, and anecic.  Endogeic worms live on the soil surface, epigeic worms live in the topsoil, and anecic worms are deep-burrowing worms that live deep in the soil.  The method that we used to collect worms was used a mustard powder solution to irritate their skin so that they would come to the surface. We also knew that worms prefer more moisture so they come up out of the soil when it rains and they live more in wetter soil.  We also knew that worms prefer moderate temperatures that aren’t too cold or too hot. Worms also like to live in vegetation because the roots of the plant help them move around and create their habitats.


This article talks about what earthworms do, where they are, and how they affect the food web and water quality.

This article talks about how to get worms out using mustard powder which irritates their skin.

This article talks about what oligochaeta (scientific names of worms) look like, where they live, their habitat,

how they grow, how long they live, how they behave, how they communicate, what they eat, how they survive from predators, their roles in the ecosystem, the problems they cause, how they interact with humans, and whether or not they are endangered.

This website talks about why worms come to the surface when it rains.

This article talks about the life of an earthworm.

This article talks about why earthworms are important and what types there are.

This website talks about the effect of temperature on the earthworm population.

This article talks about what worms eat.

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